Friday, January 18, 2008

Thursday 1/17/08

I woke thursday to soreness in my back muscles and abs. It was that good soreness that you get from working out. I attribute this to the change in the workout where I now do the dead lifts, reverse crunches, and the chinups. Good times!

Thursday was a snow day around here so I conjured up a better breakfast for myself and the kids. I made eggs in the pan with a small tidbit of butter (ha! more fat, Adam!), turkey bacon (aka "baken") in the oven, and toasted whole wheat pita halves.

Lunch was a steak salad (steak slices, lettuce, small amount of blue cheese, olive oil/bals vin/dijon mustard, and some cashews... oh and some fresh grated parmesan. Salt and pepper, bam! good stuff.

Dinner was leftover roast and carrots and more of the above salad. I also partook of a couple home brews since there was no workout tonight.

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