Friday, January 18, 2008

Lab results...

On December 21st, 2007 I took my initial lab work. Below are the results. I only posted the main items. There are other results, but only valueable to a physician.

Triglycerides..............147 mg/dL
Cholesterol, Total.........228 mg/dL
HDL Cholesterol.............45 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol............154 mg/dL
Chol/HDL Ratio.............5.1 (calc)
LDL/HDL Ratio..............3.4 (calc)

After about 4 weeks of the strict exercise and low carb eating here are the results.

Triglycerides.............119 mg/dL
Cholesterol, Total........209 mg/dL
HDL Cholesterol......43 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol......142 mg/dL
Chol/HDL Ratio......4.9 (calc)
LDL/HDL Ratio.......3.3 (calc)

There is some slight improvement, but not earth shattering. It should also be noted that these results also consisted of some bad eating over the holidays (not off the wagon, but small cheats).

Side note about New Years resolution dieters:

When I watch TV in the morning to catch news and whatever, I often stumble across infomercials advertising diet plans (weight watchers, nutri systems, etc.). These are plans that want you to buy their foodstuffs (give a man a fish...) and are not diets for the long term. They may produce results, but unless you change your long term habits you won't keep off the weight. Pills are a bad idea too. The surgical options scare the crud out of me (I suspect there are extreme cases where this is necessary).

I even saw a new ad for South Beach Diet from which I am a veteran. This ad wanted customers to pay a monthly fee to gain access to plans and recipes. This is a better option than weight watchers by offering the information to people to do for themselves (teach a man to fish...). I will claim that the south beach does work and it is life changing, but you don't need to pay the fee. Buy the book and read it if you choose that plan. If you want better results, use the TNT diet because it employs the same low carb principles and adds the exercise component with nutrition strategy at appropriate times. I am seeing the results and feel great.

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