Saturday, December 29, 2007

Saturday 12/29/07

Saturday was a good day eating. Breakfast was 3 eggs scrambled in the microwave. Lunch was leftover fajita meat and peppers. Dinner was steak and vegetable soup. I did workout C this afternoon.

Friday was a good eat day too. Basically the same as above. Fajita's for dinner. No workout, but took the kids to the sled hill and went up and down numerous times. I figure that counts for something in the exercise realm.

I can definitely feel more energy and I can also feel some soreness. The sled hill put me through the ringer and I took a hard spill which jolted my noodle. I was using the snowboard and got turned backward, caught an edge and hit my head hard. I was dizzy for a couple of seconds. Today my neck is sore... super sore. I couldn't do the reverse lat exercise.

My dreams the last few days have been really active. I can't recount them, but they are way more vivid. I wonder if it has something to do with sleeping in. We will see what happens when I return to work.

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