Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wednesday 12/19/07 Week1

I have started the TNT diet. I am committed to it now. I have been eating low carb for 3 years and have lost 30lbs by way of the South Beach diet. Now I am looking to replace fat with muscle and look more fit.

With the help of my friend Adam and his book TNT Diet, I hope to take my 18% body fat down to 15% or lower.

I have my blood drawn and await the results of the tests. This blog will track my progress and how I am feeling along the way. The book has a wellness journal but I will use this forum to discuss that info.

The journal wants to track Acne, Skin Rash, Migraines, Headaches, Heartburn, canker sores and cold sores. I am slightly ahead of the game so I don't expect to see any major changes with the above. I will focus more on my mood, sleep, and productivity at work and home (if you know what I mean).

Monday Eats:
This was my first official day on the diet. I ate a PowerBar Grains bar which is a bit high in sugar thus carbs and I will cut those out. Lunch was a chicken caesar salad and dinner was a low carb burrito with ground beef, beans, and cheese. I also partook of 2 glasses of Merlot while I played GameCube Madden Football.

Monday Workout:
Plan A workout, 5 min on the elliptical trainer, squats, situps, plank, dumbbell bench. A mediocre workout in terms of effort.

Tuesday Eats: ... again Powerbar for breakfast. Ate lunch at my desk. Had Italian Chicken breast with ricotta and tomatoes. Apple. Dinner was a naked pizza. Just some pepporoni and mozz cheese. Cooper had a school thing and we had to hurry off.

Tuesday workout:
20 minutes on the elliptical. Curls... or "mirror muscles" as Adam calls it.

Wedneday eats:
Breakfast, 2 eggs in 1 pat of butter with 2 strips of turkey bacon (baked in oven... "baken"). Lunch, naked pizza again. It is surprisingly good.
Dinner, not sure yet, but probably italian chicken again.
We have basketball practice tonight and will plan on working out plan B tonight.

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